Since you arrived at this page I assume you know what Affiliate Marketing is. I wanted to ensure we are on the same page, so let me answer the question how easy is affiliate marketing? Secrets revealed!
Affiliate Marketing is a process where you become an affiliate marketer for a company. You drive customers to them through blogs in your website using a unique link the company provides you. When a customer makes a purchase, the sale is recorded as yours, and you receive a commission.
Most major company’s as well as many smaller ones use this method to increase sales. This article will unlock the secrets on how to do this successfully.
Why Do You Want To Become An Affiliate Marketer?
Firstly, it is very important to know why do you want to become an affiliate marketer.
- Is it to supplement the income from your day job?
- Do you have a goal to eventually replace your day job earning passive income?
- Do you want to finance a family project or pay for your child s higher education?
- What level of income are you aiming for?
There could be other reasons specific to your needs. Write them down.
Life can take on a whole different meaning when you do not have to work for someone else. How would you like to live your own destiny?
Decide how much you want to earn and have a system in place to hit the income targets you set, at a schedule you choose.
It is liberating replacing a job, with a money making activity that you are passionate about. You become your own boss!
Words Of Warning

Affiliate Marketing is not a route to get-rich-quick. Or even a reason to quit your day job right away. But done correctly, you will be able to quit your day job in time. Many have done so. And many are doing that right now. How soon you will be able to, will depend on several factors under your control.
If your WHY is OFF THE CHARTS, you will be able to answer all the following questions with a BIG YES!
If you answered NO to any one of these questions, then you know what to do.
- Are you willing to learn what is necessary?
- Are you willing to put into practice what you learn?
- Are you willing to apply the sweat equity necessary to succeed?
- Are you willing to put some of your money on the line even if it is really small as you will see?
I know what it feels like to not work for a boss. And you should too. In my opinion Affiliate Marketing is the best vehicle to achieve these worthy goals.
10 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing Is The Best Way? 
- Low cost of entry – can be as little as $1 a day!
- You market products or services you are passionate about, yet don’t have to own
- Someone else takes care of billing and fulfillment
- The only resources you need you probably already have – a computer and Internet connection
- You create your own work schedule. It could be literally any time of the day or night.
- When you work at home, you can stay in your PJ’s.
- You are not stuck at any one location to conduct business. It is mobile.
- Your commissions are deposited directly into your bank account from your affiliate companies.
- You can create multiple income streams one after the other over time.
- Once you have an income earning website, all it will need is a few hours a week to maintain, giving you time freedom.
The 2 Sides Of The Affiliate Marketing Coin
- The Human Side – Your Niche. Content. Title. References. Testimonials (if available)
- The Technical Side – Website creation. SEO Factors. Using Internet Tools. Security
How Do You Approach These 2 Sides?
- Go it alone and pick up what you can for free online
- Listen to what your friends say they are doing
- Find experts who are willing to train you
- Join a community of entrepreneurs whom you can learn from
- Follow a proven winning formula – it is not a crap shoot
What Choice Is The Best
Still, there are two big problems:
- How do you find these sources?
- They usually charge thousands of dollars that you probably do not have!
Don’t worry. I will provide you with a way forward that you can afford.
But first, let’s see what it takes to become an effective Affiliate Marketer. This will make it crystal clear why some companies charge so much to train you.
The Human Side
Let’s be clear right from the start what Affiliate Marketing IS NOT……..
You are not going to create a store front where you list all the products you are passionate about. Together with the pictures and the links to where you can get them.
Here’s what it IS………
Instead, you are going to write a series of captivating blogs. You start off your blog with an attention getting title, based on high ranked keywords. Then you write your blog.
You state a problem or need people have. Then go on to say how the product or service you are promoting is the best option. Features and benefits are the best way to describe the product. Use testimonials peppered in your blog. These you can find online.
Conclude with two calls to action. The first is to tell you what they think of your recommendation in the comments section of your blog. The second is to click a link or banner to take your guest (I like to think of the visitors to my site as my guests) to the source where they can learn more and purchase what they are looking for.
Note that once your guests makes a purchase, if they also place other products into their shopping cart that are not related to your blog, you get the credit for those too. This window extends to 24 hours from their first purchase.
The Technical Side

It all begins with the creation of your website. Here are the sequence of steps necessary to get started:
- Select your Domain Name and research if it is still available. If it isn’t, play around with the words till you succeed.
- After you find a Domain name you like and is available, purchase it immediately to guarantee ownership.
- Register your domain with a company that hosts websites
- Start writing your About Me page and also your Privacy Policy. I will tell you how you can make these easy later.
- Use the right tools to get the best keywords to help towards high rankings
- Use organic Search Engine Optimization in the way you write your blogs in order to get ranked high.
- Use all the free tools available to you like Google Search Console, Google Analytics and Bing Webmaster tools to help you get your blogs indexed as fast as possible, as well as to get ranked high and monitored.
- These tools will help you see where you are ranked. If it is a low rank, then what are the weak areas that need tweaking.
- Google tends to rank sites high that have demonstrated the website is an authority on the product.
- One of the requirements is to write tons of quality content on a regular basis and ask for comments.
There is another way to get ranked high. And that is to purchase Pay Per Click ads or other kinds of ads. I do not recommend going that route until you have created traffic and obtained sales the organic way. Then you can use the income generated to scale up your business by paying for these kinds of ads.
I promised you a way to get trained and have access to the best tools available to give you the best chance to succeed in the Affiliate Marketing Business. The company I highly recommend is called Wealthy Affiliate.
Why don’t you first join for free?
In this way you will have access to the whole platform. You can create two free websites that also has free hosting. Using the first 10 lessons of the Online Educational Certification that are free, you will be able to make these websites good enough to get a head start.
The other 10 free courses available are in the Affiliate Bootcamp sector. Here we are taught how to take advantage of the affiliate program within Wealthy Affiliate.
Then see if Affiliate Marketing is for you. If it isn’t, you can stay on as a free member for as long as you wish.
If it is what you truly are looking for, then you can upgrade to Premium.
For now, check out my article that goes into great depth on Wealthy Affiliate. I give you a peek inside the training platform so you can see what you get.
The Best Training In Affiliate Marketing That Turns Beginners Into Pros!
The Big Secret is in order to succeed three factors need to be present:
- You have a burning desire to make Affiliate Marketing work for you so you will do whatever it takes
- Since you are going to devote a good deal of time, you must have access to the best training and tools available
- It takes time to achieve the success you seek. You must have patience and be willing to accept small achievements at first that will over time, say one to two years could grow to a source of life changing passive income!
I cannot stress the third factor enough. If you embarked on a university degree course, would you expect to earn money before you completed the course? No. It would take you at least 4 years. Then you would need to get a job before you got paid.
You need to have a similar mindset when approaching the task of creating your Affiliate Marketing Business. However, you should start seeing results much sooner. Some members have had their first sale within a few months that grew into a full time income within one to two years.
Isn’t it worthwhile to do it correctly from the start to achieve a goal like that?
This is NOT a get-rich-quick method. You do have the power to achieve a full time income and more if you apply yourself. So if you need money right now, there is nothing wrong in getting and maintaining a job. Unless you are retired and have sufficient pension to finance your living expenses.
So Let’s get started by checking out my #1 recommended training platform. Wealthy Affiliate. This company was founded by two Canadian visionaries. It is located in British Columbia, Canada. The article I wrote is shown below with the links. Once there, you can access the links to the free membership sign up page.
The Best Training In Affiliate Marketing That Turns Beginners Into Pros!
I look forward to welcoming you on the other side!
Edwin Bernard
Note: (This post may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on a link to the Merchant’s site and purchase something I may earn a commission.The price you pay will be the same if you went to the Merchant’s site directly.)
I started my affiliate marketing journey in the hopes of making a more stable passive income online. Life has been tough and I need some kind of financial security. I have some stocks but that is not enough and when I did my research, affiliate marketing popped up.
Affiliate marketing works me because it requires very minimal investment. Comparing to the past businesses that I have been involved with, affiliate marketing is by far the cheapest. The aspect of not having to deal with customer service, working on my own schedule, being dependent are very lucrative for me.
With years of 9-5 grinds, I am just really over it. And I also know that there is no such thing as a get rich quick, successful business takes time, usually at least 2 years to establish your credibility.
I also think that in order for us to be successful in anything that we do, we need to get some training first and Wealthy Affiliate is a great place to start for beginners.
Hopefully, I will make sustainable income soon that I no longer have to work for anyone anymore.
Nuttanee, I love your sentiments about Affiliate Marketing, They are in alignment with what I also think. I wrote a supporting article that you may also find helpful.
I feel I have a second chance to create a source of passive income. Fortunately I am retired and already enjoy passive income through my pensions. But they are not enough to do all the things my wife and I want to do. I look at Affiliate Marketing as the perfect vehicle to meet that goal.
Your aspirations will be met with the winning attitude you have. Keep up the good work and glad you are in it for the long haul.
Thanks for your comments.
Dear Edwin,
Thanks a lot for the insightful and informative post.
You have provided a helpful guide and blueprint for Affiliate Marketing. I strongly believe this post is going to save people time and effort.
Being a full-time Affiliate Marketer your post means a lot to me and I got helpful insights. I tried many make money online programs and finally found the best way to make money online (with low investment as you mentioned correctly) is by Affiliate Marketing.
Affiliate Marketing has made Businesses Millions & Ordinary People Millionaires – Bo Bennett
Indeed, we need to learn it from the scratch from the best training platform and that’s the best way to do it. I knew nothing about Affiliate marketing and to be honest I was afraid of building website and thought it was a rocket science. I am not good at computers so I decided to learn from the genuine and best training platform. As a result of my research I found WA and joined the training platform on November 2016.
Trust me building website is very easy and nowadays it’s one of the low level tasks.
To make it simple and short…
I am still with Wealthy Affiliate and since December 2017 I am a full-time Affiliate marketer working from home. All I did is followed the WA training.
Much Success!
I am honored that someone with your experience in this field appreciated what I wrote. I find it sad when people quit because they lose confidence in their abilities, Wealthy Affiliate provides a stunning platform for anyone to succeed as long as they learn and implement what they learn and never give up. In our society we are ingrained that failing is bad. No wonder people want to give up at the first sign of failing. Little do they understand that others who are wildly successful failed many times before they made it. The only difference is they never gave up.
In order to help people interested in Affiliate Marketing to make the right decision I wrote an article explaining why this is not for everyone. But I also presented ways to change ones attitude so as to make this work for anyone.
In found it interesting that you brought up the subject of a website being the easy part. I also wrote an article on how to create a website for Affiliate Marketing!
Paul, I congratulate you for making Affiliate Marketing work for you. That is an inspiration for anyone who wants to make it in this business. Thanks for your very helpful comments.
Affiliate marketing is a possible source of income for anyone if they have the drive to do it. It’s definitely not easy. You have to put forth enough effort, learn, try things, fail some, and you’ll eventually get there. I do think the only reason people fail is they expect it to be like magic free money or they get frustrated and quit. Excellent job laying out all the facts about what affiliate marketing is and is not. So many people get mistaken about it.
You are absolutely correct. Affiliate Marketing needs a lot of work to reach the point where one can enjoy passive income. I think that those who truly believe that this can be accomplished, are willing to do whatever it takes. There are so many success stories that back this up. Sadly, those who quit, do not believe in their ability to make this happen. What they miss is they do not have to go it alone. With all the resources available at Wealthy Affiliate, consistent hard work learning and applying the lessons will bring success. If they were going it alone I can fully understand them giving up.
I wrote an article why Affiliate Marketing may not be right for a person, but then I also provided solutions on how to overcome those doubts.
I feel it is critical that anyone who pursues this field should know upfront what is involved to become successful so that they can make an informed decision.
Unfortunately there are too many so galled gurus giving the impression that this is easy and can be done in a short time.
Thanks for your wise insights.
Affiliate marketing is the venture I went into because I wanted to start an online business without the hefty costs. That’s because I’m not lucky enough to have a deep wallet for funding an actual brick n’ mortar store.
Another thing I love with AM is the “flexibility”. If I choose, I can move my work to a coffee shop, take a sip of my favorite coffee, listen to motivational music, and type an article in my word processor. Then one day, I’ll wake up to emails notifying me about new commissions coming into my account.
Now, I just hope that my affiliate business finally gives me a full-time income. I’m willing to wait however long it takes.
Dominic, I feel you have a winning attitude. You are on the right path to success. Your comments are in alignment with how I feel.
I wrote an article why Affiliate Marketing is not for everyone. But I also provided ways to change ones thinking so as ti make it work. One needs to go in with eyes wide open.
I truly appreciate your comments and wish you much success.
I have been trying different affiliate marketing programs for over 20 years. It wasn’t until I found Wealthy Affiliate that I began to understand what I was missing and why I repeatedly failed.
I dropped out of all those other programs because of cost, complicated pay structures or lack of support.
None of those issues exist at WA.
I struggled to complete one site with others. With WA I own 5 sites, one on a domain I bought -through WA- and I am seeing success, not around the corner, but right now.
Going into my third month, I am firing on all cylinders. I learn more every day and I am implementing those lessons in every aspect of websites.
With community support, the only way to fail is to quit. I have no plans to quit.
Thank you for writing this review. Take care.
Gwendolyn J
You are an inspiration. Your attitude is what I call a winning one. I wrote an article discussing various ideas for making money from home. Affiliate Marketing was one of them. I presented reasons why it was the best option.
Your experience of failing with other companies but not giving up on the concept of Affiliate Marketing is a testament that it is the best opportunity available for individuals with modest resources.
The key ingredient for success is having a winning platform like Wealthy Affiliate that is also so affordable. Knowing they have your back as it were, is a huge incentive to work hard at it and to never give up.
I appreciate your wonderful comments Gwendolyn. I wish you all the success in the world.
Thanks for sharing this, Edwin. I like affiliate marketing because it is such a cost effective way of running a business. No need for a warehouse or inventory. It’s really not as s-t-r-e-s-s-f-u-l as traditional business models. I’d love to do this full time at some point, but I do recognize that it takes time. So I’ll keep working at it as consistently as I can. Had a site and I didn’t really do anything for a year and yet it was still earning, so I know this works.
Raquel. thanks for your comments. Yes indeed Affiliate Marketing is the way to wealth with minimal investment. All the best to you.