In this article, you will learn how to make your business dream a reality. It is more simple than you think. But it is not easy. I will share a secret that will help bridge the gap between simple and easy!
But first, what is your current business or a business you intend to create? The DREAM BUSINESS I refer to could be anything. Online, or bricks and mortar. You could have an employee of one, meaning yourself, or a small business with scores of employees or associates.
My business happens to be affiliate marketing. Hence the name of this website. You can get an overview of Affiliate Marketing via this link: Affiliate Marketing
Helping Entrepreneurs
Although this article is applicable to a business of any size and age, I am going to assume that my primary readers will be entrepreneurs who are fairly new to the world of business.
What is the difference between being simple and easy? Many people mistakenly think these two words mean the same thing. If a person feels that if an idea is simple, then it should be easy to implement. Not so in most cases.
I have good news for you. There is a “secret link” that can help you make the transition from simple to easy, a smooth one. The purpose of this article is to share with you this missing link and how you can find it to help you make your business dream truly a reality.
Before I give you the answer, may I ask you some questions?
The Reality Check

There are several well-established areas in business that require expertise in order for the business to succeed. How good are you, or members of your team in the following key areas? Why not give your business a score from 1 to 10, where 10 is best. The order does not reflect the level of importance.
- Finances
- Sales
- Business Structure
- Entrepreneurship
- Marketing
- Mindset
- Leadership
Take your time. Do not rush this process. The maximum score is 70. If the number you derive is above 60, you are in good shape. If it is less, consider alarm bells ringing. Knowing and implementing this missing link can 100% help you increase your score.
The Missing Link

I’ve kept you waiting long enough. The missing link is all about using the benefits of coaching to help you succeed.
I know what you may be thinking. How can you afford expert coaching when it can cost anywhere from $500 an hour and up? Check it out. Effective, expert coaching doesn’t come cheap.
If you can afford it, you bet it will be worth the expense. What would make a significant increase in sales and profits mean to you? It wouldn’t be very long to get a good return on your investment.
The actual cost is so low it will blow your mind! You can scroll down to The Cost Of Membership to see what it is if you cannot wait.
The Answer Is Near!
Your company may be well established and have the resources to afford this approach. What if you are an entrepreneur just starting out? Or do you own a small business that is struggling to make a profit consistently? Perhaps you are at the business building phase where you are still operating on investment funds and making a profit is months away?
What are your options in these cases?
Fortunately, there are two hugely successful business individuals who teamed up to pay it forward through coaching entrepreneurs like you and I. They have taken the time to share their formula for success with others in all the seven areas in the list above. And then some.
The best news is the cost is much lower than you can imagine. How is this possible? That is the secret that I want to share with you right now.
Yes indeed. The company is called WYSE Coach. Who are these successful entrepreneurs who can give you a winning edge?
The names of these business experts are called Farshad Asl and Victor Arceo. I first got to know Farshad when he joined my Toastmasters Club many years ago. He helped me immensely to develop my business ideas. Farshad introduced me to his good friend Victor through WYSE Coach. You can learn more about them and the company by clicking the logo below.
Not only will they teach you what you MUST DO to make your business a success, but they will also tell you what you MUST NOT DO using lessons they learned through the school of hard knocks. In addition to expert coaching, guest speakers who are titans in Industry are also invited to share their knowledge and solutions with you in some of these coaching sessions.
Wouldn’t it be extremely helpful and profitable if you had the benefit of super successful business entrepreneurs behind you as coaches? Rather than me telling you more about Farshad and Victor, why don’t you Google their names and see for yourself what they are doing to help others in their respective business fields?
My Experience With WYSE Coach
Although you can get more details through the above link, I want to share with you my personal experience and perspective of this amazing coaching academy. I became a founding member about a year ago and have no regrets whatsoever.
I went through the signup process that can be accessed through the above link. Once I was accepted, the WYSE coach administrator, Rachel, set up an appointment to walk me through the website and to help me set up my personal dashboard called the WYSE Coach Academy. I’ll go more into this dashboard later.
Once my registration was accepted, I received regular notifications and reminders for the weekly coaching webinars which are held on ZOOM.
The Coaching Schedule
The start time is 7:30 am every Saturday morning Pacific Time unless stated otherwise. The session ends no later than 8:30 am.
Every webinar is recorded, so you never miss anything. However, the huge advantage of attending in real-time is, after each presentation, the personal coaching session begins.
We have the opportunity to discuss and ask questions on how the lesson can help us in our own business situations.
Expert feedback is provided by Farshad and Victor. Sometimes, the group is split into two groups with Farshad and Victor leading each group. In this way, we have more personal attention. We all then get back together to share our experiences and lessons learned.
One of the advantages of a live session is we can also learn from each other. All of us have unique experiences and skills that can be used to help other members.
WYSE Coach Academy
The following screenshots summarize what the WYSE Coach Academy is all about.
My Dashboard
Here is the screenshot of my personal Dashboard. You will notice that these titles are familiar. I listed them for you at the start of my article.

Additional Benefits
The following are additional benefits available to members.

Of special note is the private Facebook Group. Here we all can discuss the coaching lessons. As well as share our personal experiences, ideas, and solutions with fellow members. The more we put into it the more we can get out of it.
Cost Of Membership
Anything of value in life has a price we must pay. What is it worth to you to have access to the weekly live coaching sessions as well as your own WYSE Coach Academy Website?
Each month there are 4 coaching sessions each lasting at least 60 minutes. From my experience, these run for 75 minutes on average. If WYSE Coach charged $50 to attend each session that would be a bargain.
Farshad and Victor are extremely successful financially. They do not need our money. They are doing this because they care. And their goal is to help as many entrepreneurs succeed. Plans are afoot to go Global.
Your Commitment
You should understand that in order to take the coaching seriously and make every effort to put what you learn into practice, you must have, as they say, some skin in the game.
At the moment, the cost to join is $29.95 a month. Yes, you read that right. It works out to less than $7.50 a coaching session! I can’t believe that myself. But for the moment at least, this is for real.
Free Trial
When you sign up, you get a free trial for seven days. You will not be charged until the seven days are over. You can always cancel before and incur no charges. Once you join as a paying member, you can cancel at any time and not be charged when the next payment is due.
However, there are no guarantees that this price will be at that level for much longer. My advice is to click the link below to get to the signup page. Tell them Edwin sent you. Please let me know in the comments area below what you think of the WYSE coach program as I have shared it with you.
Pros & Cons
Nothing is perfect. WYSE Coach is an evolving project. Hence, there is always room to get better. Here are 3 things that I love about this coaching program and three areas I feel are open to improvement.
- The quality of the weekly presentations is outstanding. Farshad and Victor are committed to helping us succeed.
- I appreciate the consistency. I know that every Tuesday evening at 6 PM. WYSE Coach will be ready to deliver.
- Having these webinars recorded is so reassuring. When I miss a coaching session, I know I can catch up.
- The website feels like it is incomplete in places. We are pioneers and must be prepared for its evolution.
- Some members may be willing to pay for one on one coaching. This is not formally provided.
- Although we are assigned classwork during each session, there is no formal homework. This is not essential but nice to have in the future.
When you become a member share what you like about WYSE Coach and improvements you would like to see.
Remember though, at the price charged, the level of coaching we already have is simply amazing. Even if nothing is changed, the value to us is very real and substantial.
Coaching Benefits I Have Received
In addition to watching the webinars. there were many coaching benefits I received since becoming a member. I want to single out one about team building.
Farshad taught us that going it alone can be very challenging to be successful. Here are some of the reasons:
- We cannot be experts in all facets of our business
- Hence we need to add the complimentary skills of others
- There are not enough hours in a day to accomplish all that we have to do
- Teamwork can help maintain momentum and accelerate our progress
- In my affiliate marketing business I mist publish 5 posts a week which is attainable through teamwork
Farshad stated that with globalization it is possible to find skilled authors in other countries who are willing and able to do the work. They are also very affordable.
My job is to define the framework of the articles I want to write and subcontract the actual writing process. I am now working on this framework as well as looking for the right kind of support.
We each have different strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes rather than trying to shore up our weaknesses it can be more productive and effective to collaborate with others who can fill in these gaps. The benefit is in the reduced time span necessary to achieve our goals.
Through this process, we help others get what they want. Thereby, we get what we want.
What Are Your Strengths & Weaknesses?
Why don’t you make a list of your strengths and weaknesses? Think about areas you are strong at. And areas where you could do with some help. Some will be routine skills while others will be critical to your business outcome.
Remember that routine skills can be outsourced to free up more time for you to focus on what you do best and enjoy the most.
By asking these questions I am only reflecting on the lessons I have learned in the WYSE Coach program.
Closing Teaser Video!
I am going to leave you with a brief video of Farshad Asl talking about the 5 C’s of Life! Think of this as a teaser of what will follow when you join us as a member of WYSE Coach. I look forward to hearing from you in the comments section below.
I Look Forward To You Joining Our Group Of Successful Entrepreneurs Real Soon