This is my 8th and final article in my series sharing the features and benefits of the Wealthy Affiliate Platform. My first article provided an overview and titled: The Best Training In Affiliate Marketing That Turns Beginners Into Pros! The focus of this Blog Post will be how members of Wealthy Affiliate can get their questions on Internet Marketing answered. I use the term Internet Marketing here instead of Affiliate Marketing since the training is much broader than just Affiliate Marketing.
I like to affectionately call this, Internet Marketing Questions And Answers – The Wealthy Affiliate Way! There are two main areas on the platform for this function:
- Live Chat
- Help Center
They are the last two items in the Dashboard menu list. Let me address each one on its own.
Live Chat
Here is where members can chat with each other in real time. If anyone is there the Live Chat icon in the Dashboard menu indicates as such. Since Wealthy Affiliate has members in 143 countries all over the globe, it is not unusual to find someone to chat with at any time. This place is open 24/7.
If anyone has an urgent issue they would like to discuss with a fellow member, this is the place to bring it up. There is a good chance that anther more experienced member will be there to provide an answer. Here is an example of a recent interchange that occurred while I was writing this article:
You can see what I explained about asking and receiving answers is in progress. If the first person who responds doesn’t have the answer you were looking for, another member will come along who does.
While looking at this window, I would like to bring up a couple of things that you can see taking place. Next to my picture you can see the number 1. That means that someone has left me a comment on my profile page. After I read it that will disappear.
Notice the number 4 next to Websites on the left. I had requested comments on my two recent Bog Posts on my website. This informs me that I have comments awaiting my review and approval. When I discussed the Website category in a previous article. I discussed how easily it is to get comments on ones website that helps the article in its search engine rankings.
There are many benefits being a member of Wealthy Affiliate and one of them is you are not alone. Creating an online business can be a lonely task if you are doing it all by yourself. It makes all the difference in the world to have the opportunity to get help and feedback on what you are doing.
Help Center
When your problem is not as urgent, the Help Center is the place to go. Let me show you a screenshot of what it looks like followed by addressing the different segments:
Premium Coaches
Carson and Kyle are the founders of Wealthy Affiliate. Anyone here can ask them questions. They are extremely busy. And with over 1.5 Million members they get a lot of questions. They will respond, perhaps not in time to help you out.
Tim McKinlay is the member who sponsored me. He is one of the top leaders in Wealthy Affiliate. I was checking out an investment services company at Stock Gumshoe, He happened to see me there and we started talking about the investment company I was interested in. We agreed that the services of investment companies do not come cheap. The ones I had looked at before were over $2000 a year.
That was when Tim invited me to check out Wealthy Affiliate for free. He sent me an Email with the sign up link, I joined immediately. That was six months ago. I have come a very long way since then. My two websites are indexed on Google and several of my posts are ranked high on the search engines. I am getting traffic. There is no way I would have made that amount of progress if I did this alone. The website you are reading this is one that I started three months ago.
Tim has helped me with so many questions and tips. Having a one on one mentor included in a membership that costs me less than $1 a day is unheard-of in the training industry.
Not every member has a sponsor. It all depends on how they joined Wealthy Affiliate. If you joined through one of my links, I would be your mentor. Since I am going through the learning process, it would be easy for me to answer all your questions, because I have been through what you will be going through. It is all fresh in my mind.
Top Helpers
Below are a list of the Top Helpers for the day. This changes each day. It is not easy being there to help members every day. They also have to work on their own businesses. Fortunately Wealthy Affiliate has a lot of experienced members so there will always be great help available. Not that all of these members are successful at Affiliate Marketing and making g good money.
During my stay at Walthy Affiliate, I have communicated with four of these eight members when I needed help. OF course, I have also got help from a bunch of other members too.
The founders of Wealthy Affiliate have instilled a Pay It Forward mentality. Even relative new members like myself are encouraged to help anyone who has a problem if we have the answer. I have indeed been helping members every day since I have progressed in the community.
Site Support
When we have any problems with our website, we can go to Site Support to get the problems resolved. After filling out a ticket stating the issue, they respond within minutes to say they have received our communication. In most cases, they can resolve the issue within the hour. Site Support have staff supporting the community 24/7. And they are very responsive. I can vouch for that as I had used them a lot in my early website building days.
We can purchase our Domain Names here, use WordPress and access to themes to build our website. Then Wealthy Affiliate hosts them using a powerful Amazon server. Everything is automatically backed up and under site security.
Ask A Question
When you click that icon, a window opens where one can ask a question and provide supporting information. These gets transmitted to every member through the Notifications area. I have always got more than one response and rather promptly too. There are many members who love playing the role as teachers and they love to help resolve problems of fellow members.
Often, they have created a training that answers the question precisely. And they send a link to their training for the members with the problem to access. If the problem persists. They will be happy to continue to help them until it is resolved.
This resource is priceless.
Live Chat
I have already covered this feature above.
Private Message
This is a location where members can send each other private messages. Although we are a community, we are not a social forum like Facebook. Private Messages are usually used to follow up with a discussion started in the genera Discussion area to delve deeper into a problem.
Parting Thoughts
I hope I have given you a flavor of the way members here can get their Internet Marketing questions answered. Each member who gets stuck for example in finding the right niche for themselves, or in deciding what title to give their website, they can bounce ideas of other members to help them hone in on the right answer.
Then there may be technical issues related to Google Search Console or Google Analytic. The answer probably already exists in a webinar or a lesson, that the person has not come across yet. Another member who knows where the answer lies can send them a link.
All of us here have experienced one problem or another related to Internet Marketing and are in a position to help others.
Now that you have read all about the Wealthy Affiliate Program and how it is helping entrepreneurs build their online business, why don’t you join us? The panels below summarize the great benefits a starter member receives for free. And if you decide to upgrade to Premium, you can see the power that awaits you then. I invite you to click the banner below to sign up. All you will need is an Email address. I’ll see you on the other side!

Note: (This post may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on a link to the Merchant’s site and purchase something I may earn a commission.The price you pay will be the same if you went to the Merchant’s site directly.)
Join our awesome community! Wealthy affiliate is a place where you will not feel lost, all you need to do is ask the community, within the training or to your sponsor. And you will get a solution to your problem.
There is also training to help you with videos via step by step on how to accomplish your marketing tasks, your SEO tasks or even your content writing tasks.
At wealthy affiliate, we help each other and celebrate success!
Adyns68, you got the right idea about the peer to peer help available in the Wealthy Affiliate community. I am glad you mentioned the other areas where members receive formal training to build their online business.
I wrote this series of Blogs detailing the features and benefits of Wealthy Affiliate mainly for non members who could benefit from being members.
Glad to know that even members can benefit from reading these Blogs as they act like a refresher since there is so much valuable information on the Wealthy Affiliate Platform.
Many thanks for your comments.
Hi Edwin! Thanks for the detailed features of Wealthy Affiliate.
I knew about Wealthy Affiliate before. Now I can figure out the detailed features of Wealthy Affiliate!
Thanks a lot.
Sometimes, we miss important information about what we are familiar with.
Well, I think many people will appreciate you because you remind us what we have to know.
Grey, I appreciate your comments. You are right how easy it is to miss aspects of something we feel we already know.
I have created this series of 8 Blogs to highlight the training, tools and the platform here at Wealthy Affiliate. It began with an overview in, “The Best Training In Affiliate Marketing That Turns Beginners Into Pros” and continued with 7 supporting articles about various segments on the Dashboard Menu.
My main objective was to help individuals who are not members to get a feel of the value here to help them to start off as a free member.
Thanks once again.
Thanks for Your honest review.
After reading your this review, I headed over to your comprehensive article, (Wealthy Affiliate – Is it legit?) which was also written nicely by you.It gave me more knowledge about this company.
Thank you Edwin
Hi Shirian, so kind of you to check out my review of Wealthy Affiliate. I wrote this series to provide an in depth view of Wealthy Affiliate. Like opening the curtains so outsiders could peer inside. Here is the overview article that ties it all together: The Best Training In Affiliate Marketing That Turns Beginners Into Pros!
Thanks for visiting my site and your fine comments.
As a Wealthy Affiliate new member I have to say that I am so impressed with the training material. I had been looking for something which would help guide me in the right direction seeming I am so clueless.
The step by step training has done me the world of good. The support team is great they really are quick at responding and are also patient.
The community members are great too and help is always there. In my opinion joining, WA is the best decision I could have made.
Hi Anglewolf, I am so happy that you have seen the benefit of your membership in Wealthy Affiliate. I wrote this series of 8 Blog Posts especially for those who don’t know anything about this awesome Internet Marketing learning platform.
Like you, I had been trying to learn how to develop a website to earn money online. Then I found Wealthy Affiliate, In 6 months I learned more than I had previously during 6 years.
I wish you much success.
Nice post Edwin! I couldn’t agree with you more on Wealthy as having one of the best support systems, because in all my years online, am yet to see a platform that offers the kind of support available within the WA platform.
I joined Wealthy Affiliate as a novice online but in less than a year i have made a huge progress, with my website indexed and all my contents too. All thanks to the training and support that WA offers.
I strongly recommend Wealthy Affiliate to anyone who wishes to attain the desired success online because It has a lot to offer to both newbie and the experts.
Thanks for sharing!
David, well said. Not only is the training superb, but the support system is amazing just like you said. I wish you much success in your online business.
Dear Edwin,
A very in-depth. well elaborated & nicely written post here. It let me know a few more things, I did not know as I have recently joined WA. Screenshots are doing great work on your post. You said that Wealthy Affiliate is providing a lot more information required to learn about Affiliate Marketing compared to others.
This article raised one question in my mind. Just curious to know how this eight posts in a row have helped you to raise the number of referrals to you? Generally, people write one post on a product so they get ‘X’ in their downline. Have you got ‘8X’? I am interested in your strategy behind this, that is all.
My hats off to your skill of writing & keep up the good work.
Hi Chandrashekar, thanks so much for your well thought out comments. You also raised a good question. Let me answer it this way.
Since I am relative new here, as this is my 6th month, and my website Affiliate Marketing For Leaders is only in existence for three months, Google does not consider my website as an Authority site yet. I have to publish much more articles to become one, especially that I am competing in the Make Money Online category. So I have not had any referrals yet. But I am not worried as I know I have much more to do.
I wrote these 8 articles as if I was the one looking for a training program to learn all about Internet or Affiliate Marketing. Hence I decided to write one article as an over view, And the others were on the individual topics in the Dashboard menu on the left of the website.
In order to make my visitor feel immersed in the WA Platform, I used a lot of relevant screenshots. Now that I have completed them all, I have included links in each of these sub-articles back to the 1st. Then I returned to the 1st and added links to each of the sub-articles in the paragraphs where I summarized them.
My hope is that my 1st Article will end up being ranked really high eventually so that visitors will get directed to that one first. Once there they will be able to click to the other articles, Of course, there is no way I can be certain that is how the flow of visitors will be. They could end up finding the other articles first depending on the search term they use.
So in answer to your question about referrals. I could end up with more referrals in promoting Wealthy Affiliate in this way. But I do not expect it will be 8X compared to if I had only the first article published for example. I shall wait and see. When I start getting results I shall document them and when it makes sense I will write a Blog Post discussing this experiment of mine.
In the meantime I shall be writing a lot more articles for this website that will address other aspects of Affiliate Marketing like how to select a niche. What companies to check out. And how other successful Affiliate Marketers are approaching this business. Since I have ways to go before I am in their league, I cannot tout any financial success. But I can share the things I have learned with associated results in the areas of getting articles indexed and ranked in the search Engines. As well as tutorials on how to write a good Blog and things like that.
I hope my answer has helped.
All the best to you.
Hi Edwin,
An absolutely wonderful website discussing the wealthyaffiliate opportunity and way! As to the blog in question ‘Internet Marketing Questions And Answers – The Wealthy Affiliate Way!’, I believe that you are trying to elucidate how newbies can get help on the Wealthy Affiliate website.
I think that this is a good reference blog that you have made and that it will help a lot of folk get answers to their questions through self help – in addition it will spread the helping spirit that WA is built upon.
As to the Affiliate Marketing For Leaders website, I can see that this is a great resource which discusses the various facets of affiliate marketing quire extensively.
I have bookmarked it and look forward to reading stuff on it.
Hello Arjun,
I am glad you found this article and my website a good resource for newbies. That is exactly who I am targeting to help. In fact, I am mainly directing this series of 8 Bog Posts focused on Wealthy Affiliate to individuals who have not joined yet. So they have no way to know what is available inside until they join for free. My wish is that after reviewing these Blog Posts they will like what they see and will join.
Since my website is rather new, only about 3 months old, Google does not classify it as an Authority Ste and won’t rank it on their first page. However as I get more comments and add more articles to my website, little by little I will reach that goal. When that happens I expect my traffic to increase. It is at that point when my articles will help the most people.
In a way I am using the existing members of Wealthy Affiliate to test out my plan. So thanks so much for validating my work.
I wish you much success in your online business.
Hello Edwin. I had not any experience with online marketing before. I watched some videos of another online marketing training program but to continue they needed payment.
So I joined Wealthy Affiliate because it was free to join. I completed training Level 1 and was thinking it for about 4-5 days to buy Premium at least for the first month, which was $19.
I bought the first month Premium because the platform made a good first impression on me. The basic training was friendly and helpful and at that time there was really nothing negative I could think of.
But at the second month when I learned a bit more, I found out that the price for all this package (training, keyword tool, live training, live chat, hosting) was very cheap compared to what others were offering.
So far (3-4 months) all is going well, trying to manage the time and the work appropriately. Always something new to learn, even if you are on the top of the league as things change and evolve daily. That’s cool I guess you will never get bored and always looking something forward to do.
Thanks for this refreshing article. It was a breeze to read. Have a nice day.
George, your experience of being sucked into what appeared to be a good online training program, only to find out later you had to pay a lot more for the good stuff, was similar to mine. When I found Wealthy Affiliate I was amazed at what a bargain it was compared to this other company. I have no regrets for joining.
That was 6 months ago. In this short time span I have learned SOOOOO Much. You are right, there is always something new to learn. Even the experienced members who add their own training modules, are very good.
I am glad you found my article a breeze to follow, because I want individuals who are not yet members to understand what I wrote and perhaps join.
If you have the time going over my other articles that reveals the details of Wealthy Affiliate to others would be amazing. Here is the cover article that gives and overview and has links to the sub-articles:
The Best Training In Affiliate Marketing That Turns Beginners Into Pros!
I wish you much success in your online activities.