Wealthy Affiliate has been in business since 2005 and claims to have trained thousands to create online businesses of various kinds, especially in affiliate marketing. I came across Wealthy Affiliate accidentally that I will explain all later. For the moment, to be fully transparent, I joined Wealthy Affiliate first as a free member and then upgraded to Premium. I now want to present my Wealthy Affiliate Review – Is It Legit!
Company Details
Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Website: https://www.wealthyaffiliate.com/
Price: Free Starter Membership. $49/Month for Premium Membership. $99/Month for Premium Plus
Owners: Kyle Loudon & Carson Lim (Co-Owners)
Overall Rank: 96 out of 100
Key areas considered in the ratings shown in the bar chart below:

These days there are so many opportunities to make money exploding all over the internet. And even through text messages. I was skeptical at first when introduced to Wealthy Affiliate. Can I tell you how I came across this place and answer the question in my title?
I Was Hurting And Needed A Lasting Financial Solution
Almost all my savings were lost in the Great Recession 10 years ago. I was eager to find ways to make up for those losses. Being retired, time was not on my side. I read every sales letter that came my way. So many wanted to show me how I could turn modest amounts like $500 into hundreds of thousands of dollars just by following their investment advice.
I’ve invested in stock, stock options, trading Forex, Binary Options, Cryptos, and many other so-called opportunities. I got poorer, not richer. I read about others making money online. Why not I? Affiliate Marketing was the best way to make money online. Or so people said. I had heard that giant companies like Amazon and Walmart paid people to direct customers to their websites if they bought anything there.
Isn’t it strange that when your mind is open to new things you notice invitations from companies to teach you how to do these things? I wanted to learn how people made money through Affiliate Marketing too. But I had no clue how to set that up. Much less, make money from that.
How I Got Invited

Yes, I first discovered Wealthy Affiliate through an invitation. But it was not how you could have imagined it.
Remember I said that I was interested in companies that give investment advice that seem too good to be true? I came across a company that reviewed these opportunities called Stock Gumshoe. You may have even heard about it yourself.
While checking out a business publishing company to see if it was genuine, a member of Wealthy Affiliate noticed me. He got my attention and asked what I was hoping to gain by parting with the $1995 investment company was asking for an annual membership. I wanted an easy fix to make me money. If I could make $100,000 within a year following their investment advice, then sure I’d like to make that investment.
Of course, once you agree to buy, they have the classic disclaimer ready. Past performance is no guarantee of future success.
It is human to want to believe there is a quick way to make money, and it is so easy to brush these disclaimers aside.
When Tim found out I was interested in making money online, he told me there was a better way. He was making a full-time income working part-time doing Affiliate Marketing. There you go! That buzzword again.
Join for FREE – No Credit Card Needed
Yes, Tim said, I could check out the same system he uses to make money and I could do that for free. They didn’t want my credit card at all. If I decided to test it out, he would even offer me a special bonus. What was there to lose?
I had tried everything else, but it cost me! So why not try this for free? He sent me a signup link via Email to do just that.:
I clicked it. All that I had to do was to provide a legitimate email address. And like the magic words, Open Sesame, the doors were thrown wide open to a whole new world where I could learn all about Affiliate Marketing!
Was this the Holy Grail I had been looking for all these years?
I’d like to give you my honest opinion about Wealthy Affiliate, and you be the judge if it is legit or not.
Ease of Signing Up

When I clicked the banner above I was sent to the signup page where more information on the Program was provided. All I needed to do for immediate access, was to enter my Email Address, name, username, and password.
Besides the free starter program, you will also see what is offered in the Premium and Premium Plus Programs. It is your decision at what level to join.
I had a full week to check it out. If I decided I wanted to have access to the full program, there was the option of Premium, or Premium Plus Membership. But Tim said he would be offering me a bonus. If I upgraded within a week, I could join for half price for a full month. And he would be mentoring me personally.
If I decided not to upgrade and wanted to continue as a starter member for free, I still could. The courses offered for free were packed full of value. There was much more real training and benefits than what other companies charged a lot of money for. And this was only a fraction of the complete program as you will find out below.
Progress During My Free Week
I took full advantage of my free week. I learned so much and Tim was there to help me every step of the way like he promised. Did you notice that even the free membership offered affiliate commissions? Granted, they were half for what a paid member would get. What other company does that?
But I wanted to dive right into the fast lane to success. Before the week was up, I decided to take Tim up on his bonus of one month’s membership at half price. Later I decided to transfer to the annual subscription plan. The cost was so affordable it was a no-brainer to take this path. It cost less than paying monthly.
The main benefit to me was not having to worry about missing any monthly payments. And the savings of $20 a month. For $30 a month I was set to learn all about creating one or more Affiliate Marketing businesses.
But I was still skeptical. This seemed too good to be true. A common tactic of many companies offering online training is, once you get vested in their training, they offer a more expensive product that they tell you is vital to being successful in this business,
Not Wealthy Affiliate. There would be NO upsells whatsoever. WA provided you with everything necessary to create an online business.
They even sold domain names as low as $13.99 a year. Premium membership included hosting and security service for up to 10 websites. What do you think of the value Wealthy Affiliate provides?
My First Website

Since I wanted to start my website fast, I created a free one using the SiteRubix domain while being a free member. Within a week my website was indexed in Google. I bought my domain through Wealthy Affiliate and transferred my SiteRubix data to my new domain.
It was a very easy process. Within another week, my website was ranked on the first page in the major search engines, including Google! Can you believe that?
I was so impressed that I was able to learn the lessons on how to accomplish this feat. Not long after my posts were being ranked on the first pages of Google, Bing, and Yahoo too.
You can click this link and create your SiteRubix website for FREE!
My Early Experience
It took me only four months to graduate from the Online Entrepreneur Certification Program. This is a 5 Level course where each level has a set of 10 lessons related to learning and implementing specific skills. I learned how to use concepts like SEO, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console to my advantage.
I also learned how to write Blogs on various aspects of the products and services I am promoting. Writing Blogs to provide valuable content to my readers was one of the best methods to help people searching for a product or service make a buying decision.
Basics Of Affiliate Marketing
The sequence of how this occurs is very straightforward. I place affiliate links within my blog posts. These links are provided by companies I sign affiliate agreements with. Visitors who like my reviews and decide to purchase, can click that link and go directly to the store shopping page. Like Amazon for example.
The customer can check out the products they are interested in and make a purchase. Amazon tracks the connection back to the affiliate marketer and sends them the commission. The customer pays the same price just as if they went to Amazon directly. Going through an Affiliate Marketer’s website doesn’t add any extra cost to the product. However, the customer receives the added service of a valuable review before they buy.
This process works for any company that has an affiliate marketing program and signs an agreement with an affiliate marketer. Wealthy Affiliate provides intensive training to help you learn every aspect of affiliate marketing.
The table below compares what you get as a free member compared to paid Premium member. After you check this out I will tell you how I discovered Wealthy Affiliate and the factors that influenced my decision to not only join, but also to upgrade to a Premium member.
Compare Free Starter Membership With Premium In The Table Below
Why I Upgraded To Premium Membership
Although there was a boatload of benefits I could get for free as shown in the above table, I wanted to have full access to the benefits on the right side. As well as access to live help and the mentorship of Tim and other experts when I needed it. Also, I wanted to create more than one website as I built experience and needed the website security package.
Maybe you have more experience and could get by with the free starter pack. I could have gone that way and upgraded later. But I’d have missed my bonus as well as the special live classes offered and many other valuable benefits.
I am no dummy. But I am very slow to learn. The free mentorship and quick and easy access to other experts to help me develop my business was an extremely valuable resource.
My Promise To Give You 3 Bonuses You When You Do The Following 3 Things:
- Join me as a free member today.
- Complete your profile and account setup within 7 days.
- Sign up for at least the Premium membership within your first week.
- You will receive your first full month of Premium for only $19! That is a discount of 49%.
- I will give you access to exclusive training on How to use Facebook For Social Media Marketing
- I will be there for you as your one on one mentor
This last one is a biggie. I say this not to boast but to show you the real value of this offer. I am one of the top members and helpers in Wealthy Affiliate. Hence I am well qualified to help you get the most out of your investment.
The bonuses will not end there. As you progress through the Wealthy Affiliate Program and achieve important milestones I will give you more valuable bonuses to help you with your business. I will tell you more about it after you join me as a Premium member. Is that fair?
Let’s look at some other reasons why I upgraded to Premium.
Tools and Training
Everything you need to set up and run an online business is available at Wealthy Affiliate. It is much more than a training platform. It offers tons of online tools vital to run a website and keep it secure and reliable.
You have access to free Keyword Research through the Jaaxy Platform.

To get your blog post ranked high in the search engines using the right KEYWORD PHRASE for your article is crucial. Along with the content of your article.
Website Management
Another important function is to know how healthy is your website. Like is it suitable for a desktop computer as well as mobile? Is your website ranked in Google? How is its site speed? Is it getting sufficient engagement? Are your plugins working well or causing issues. These and many more functions are monitored for you automatically by the site management system 24/7. You can review the results that also provide suggestions on what actions to take to resolve any issues.
Site Support
If you have a problem with your website you need help with, Site Support is available 24/7 to help solve the problem for you. When you enter your problem, within minutes you will hear back from them either telling you the problem is resolved or advising you that they are working on it and will get back to you. If they need you to take action to gather more information, you will also hear from them. When I have had problems, they were always resolved within a couple of hours.
Room For Improvement
No matter how good Wealthy Affiliate may be no organization is perfect. If there were a couple of things I could change they would be to offer more training in Email marketing as well as other advanced online business concepts. But listen. The company is evolving and introducing new training regularly.
These are the reasons I gave it a score of 9.5 out of 10, instead of a 10 for 10.
Final Verdict – Is Wealthy Affiliate Legit?
Without a doubt, it is resoundingly legitimate. More than that, it provides value like no other internet marketing program out there. At any price.
Why not join for free and see for yourself? When you click the links I have provided throughout this article, you will land on a page that provides you with even more information about this incredible platform.
Overall Wealthy Affiliate has to be seen to fully appreciate the power you can have in your hands. Join as a free member to have that experience.
The best gift I can give you is the opportunity to quit your day job and earn a full-time income doing part-time work. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments window below and I will give you an answer as soon as possible. Usually within two days the most.
How would you like to be working your business on a sandy beach in some exotic location in the world?
Or better still, relaxing on that beach, now that your online business is working for you without needing you?

Thank you for this insightful piece about wealthy Affiliate.
I am an online marketer but still struggling pretty much because I lack motivation, support and constant progress. I came across wealthy Affiliate and everything has been going smoothly with the ever ready to help people on the site. This community has really helped to build my progress as an affiliate marketer and whatever I become soon, I owe it solely to Wealthy Affiliate.
thanks for this honest review.
A very big thank you for bringing this article my way. Wealthy Affiliate is the most legit platform to ever belong. I am a premium member of this life-changing platform and I have no regrets at all. I have learned a lot. Imagine having access to hundreds of tools and resources to become a successful online entrepreneur especially as it relates to becoming a successful affiliate marketer amongst other things.
I encourage everyone to ignore all the get rich quick schemes flying around the internet and focus on building yourself and acquiring a know-how skill via the magnificent platform of Wealthy Affiliate.
It is a great review of wealthy affiliate. I am a new member of wealthy affiliate and i am struggling so much.But i learned so many things from your review. I find your review very helpful. Becouse you described everything so smoothly in your review. It helped me to know much about wealthy affiliate. I will share this article with them who just joined wealthy affiliate and i am sure it will be very helpful for them to know much about it.
You made my day to know my review was helpful to you. Glad you are willing to share it to help others.
It’s one of the most important posts I’ve read about Wealthy Affiliate so far. Definitely, the article is inspirational and informative as well. You are happy to know that I joined the Wealthy Affiliate as a premium member approximately two months ago. Hence my goal is to become a successful internet entrepreneur and establish my website looking for the affiliate business. I also advised some of my acquaintances to visit this site. However, I would like to know more about the Premium Members’ mentor in details.
Sincere thanks.
Warm wishes,
Thanks for your encouraging comments. You can find your mentor from your Dashboard. Go to the Help Center at the bottom of the left margin and click it. You will see Carson and Kyle as being two of your mentors. Since they are the owners, you only contact them as a last resort. You will see a third member listed, with his or her picture. That person is your personal mentor. Whether you realize it or not, that was the person who sponsored you.
Besides your assigned mentor, you can develop relationships with any experienced member in WA. And if you build a good relationship, you can approach them to answer questions too on a regular basis. Ask them first.
Lastly, you can always ask a questioin to the board and someone will get back to you with an answer.
I hope that I have answered your question. Please let me know.
Thank you so much for explaining elaborately. In the exact place, there is a picture of my mentor who gave me this opportunity. I’m thankful to him.
However, would you mind if, I want to know more about the duties and responsibilities of a good mentor in the Wealthy Affiliate. Sorry to bothered you.
Hi Ranao, here is o”ne definition of a mentor:
Mentoring is a powerful personal and career development tool that can enable the mentee to achieve or exceed their life’s goals and aspirations. A mentor according to Merriam-Webster is ‘a trusted counselor or guide’.
In our case where we are learning new skills, when you get stuck, your mentor should point you in the direction to find solutions. A mentor cannot solve all your problems. But he should be able to give you links where you can find the solutions yourself. I hope this helps.
I am new to the Wealthy Affiliate . It’s one of the most important posts for me because I did not have any idea it’s about. I got idea from your post it about. I can learn a lot from here. I think, I have been benefited very much become involved here. Thank you so much for this information about wealthy Affiliate.
Hi Edwin
I was just reading your post. I am already a wealthy affiliate member and I really enjoy the website and all the information and training it provides. I highly recommend them myself and all though I am still quite new I have learnt so much and have no regrets. Your post is so helpful for those who are looking for a new or extra income to support them and their family. Thanks for the Post.
Hi Marc,
Glad that you’re a member of Wealthy Affiliate. I wish you much success in your affiliate marketing journey. Pay it forward by helping others discover this amazing place.
WA is one of the best ways to start affiliate marketing. And with the special Black Friday deal you cannot get any better than that. Most people are skeptical with WA not because it’s not a good platform but because they are skeptical with affiliate marketing in general. Many believe that because they don’t see much success fast it’s fake or something and I don’t blame them as there are so many scams online that it’s hard to distinguish real from fake nowadays. But in my opinion WA needs a chance as it has so much to offer to anyone interested.
Hi Stratos,
Affiliate Marketing is like fine wine. You cannot rush it before it’s time. In order to succeed you don’t need to be perfect in its execution. I’ve seen so many hugely successful affiliate marketers who have mediocre looking websites. And those with catchy websites fail. Why is that?
The 10% who succeed never give up. They keep plodding along and suddenly they see their traffic soar! Many who fail quit just before that finish asymptotic line. You know what that means? Anyone has the power to succeed as long as they treat it like fine wine.
Thanks for your comments.
Thanks for your enlightening and eye-opener topic. It really helps those who have created by their own their online blog with Affiliate Marketing. I think that the Wealthy Affiliate platform has all these advantages that need a new businessman. The community of this platform is very friendly and really helps all the beginners. I’m glad to be here and thanks for your clarifications I really needed.
Really happy that I was of help. Thanks for your fine comments.
Thanks for this review! I am personally a Wealthy Affiliate member and must say, I love it! I believe it gives everyone everything they need to build a website, help their audience and make some money! It surely takes a lot of work, but I am also sure it is worth it! What is your personal favourite part about the Wealthy Affiliate platform?
Hi Kohl,
Thanks for your appreciation for Wealthy Affiliate. Kind of you to ask what is my favorite part. I love the Live Events webinars by Jay Neill. It’s great to be there live and ask questions. If I miss one I know I can catch up using the archives. Jay goes into his topic in sufficient detail to help me learn easily. I often review his training when I have a problem with a topic he’s covered.
There are so many more areas I like. But the webinars are at the top for me.
I wish you much success in your affiliate marketing journey.
Thank you so much for the awesome post!! I must admit, I love Wealth Affiliate! I was so glad to see that there was no credit card needed. That shows that the creators trust their product enough to not hood wink you into signing up and taking money from you when you least expect it. There is no harm in trying it out, especially since it is free!
Hi Jessie,
Thanks for telling it like it is for Wealthy Affiliate. No wonder people are joining by the hour! I wish you much success in your affiliate marketing journey.
Hi Edwin. Thank you for very interesting article. Im just starting my adventure with digital marketing but I already learnt that its not easy to find good online platform to start. I tried few and couldn’t agree more that wealthy affiliate is best place for beginners. With tons of trainings, supportive community and webhosting it provides everything you need for success.
I think you got this. Having everything in one place also saves us time. And time is money. Once we reach a level where we are earning income on a steady basis, we can always expand our skills from sources outside of WA if necessary.
However, with all the successful members running training sessions, they can always help us advance too through Premium Plus.
I wish you all the best.
Wow, this is the most amazing post I’ve ever read. Your experience is really incredible, and I noticed that you were going through a lot of the same difficulties that I am going through right now. And thank you for mentioning wealthy affiliate; it appears to be a fantastic platform to invest in.
I was looking for a more effective approach to make money online when I came across this fantastic article.
I see that the wealthy affiliate program is cheap and has numerous benefits, which leads me to believe that it is legitimate.
I can’t express how much I want to leave my 9-to-5 job and work for myself.
If wealthy affiliate can assist me in accomplishing this, I believe it is wise for me to give it a shot and see if I can achieve the same results as you.And graduating from an online entrepreneur certification program in just four months is definitely something I’d like to do.
Excellent article.
Hello Lio,
Thanks truly for your supportive comments. Glad we agree about the benefits of membership at Wealthy Affiliate. It takes working hard and smart consistently and some patience to see and experience the benefits.
We start seeing the benefits early as Google starts to index and rank our website and posts. Asa traffic increases, sales start to happen. That income can be used to scale up by investing in outsourcing things like writing content and using PPC ads.
This is a process that takes hard work, using our skills correctly, and being patient.
I wish you much success in your affiliate marketing business.
Thanks for sharing your experience and how you got to know WA! It’s been 3 years now that I joined myself and it was the best decision ever! Now I am making money with my website!!! The opportunities with WA are endless and it is a great supportive community! Best wishes!!
Thanks for your response. Glad you are making money on your site. I am too which proves the methods taught at Wealthy Affiliate work. As you noted, it takes time and hard work. Anything of value requires it.
I wish you all the best.
Hi Edwin. I enjoyed reading your post, even though I have been a WA member for almost 3 years. I found this site after years of searching, thank God I didn’t take any stings. You were luckier to have a mentor with you. I have to fend for myself, and I don’t even know much English lol. But the community, Kyle and Carson and the technical support have always been by my side. Carmen
Hello Carmen,
Thanks so much for your honest response. It sounds like you do not know who your sponsor is. Here is how you can find out. Click the Help menu at the top of your dashboard. You will see your coaches listed as Kyle, Carson, and a third person. That will be the member who you signed up under, who is also your mentor.
Nothing is as simple as it seems. That individual may not have stayed in WA. Or they may not be experienced enough to provide the mentoring you need. I think I will write a blog post about that to help others who may be in a similar situation as you.
Not to worry though. Fortunately, there are so many helpful members here who do know the right answers. Click the magnifying glass icon at the top and ask your question. A number of helpful posts should appear. Usually, you can find one or more with the answer you seek.
Failing that, you can click the Help menu and click the Ask A Question tab which will open up a page where you can write your question. Using the menu at the bottom left, select the appropriate classroom where your question can be addressed. Someone will respond.
I hope this helps.
All the best to you.
Hi Edwin
I gree with you that it is human to want to make money quickly, Unfortunately, it very rarely happens like that. If a company promises you massive returns over a short period , I generally turn my back on that offer.
Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money. It does require hard work and time though. I too am a member of Wealthy Affiliate. It is the best decision I have made regarding my online business. Training and support is amazing.
I would recommend WA to anyone looking to start an online business.
Hi Les,
You’ve got this. One’s attitude plays a major role in how we address life in general. WIth business, this is even more important because this can dictate the kind of life we will one day have.
Thanks for your spot-on comments.