What Is The Truth About Affiliate Marketing

What Is The Truth About Affiliate Marketing?

Let’s get this out right from the start. Do you really want to know what is the truth about Affiliate Marketing? Be prepared to hear it like it is. It may not be what you were expecting. And you could be shocked. And, you may think differently once you are through with this article.

TruthBuckle up your seat belts and let’s begin.

There are people who make over $100K a month and more through affiliate marketing. But it didn’t happen overnight.

Here’s the nasty truth. If you start an affiliate marketing business, the chances are YOU WILL FAI!

Yes I said that right. 80% who start out fail. Of the remaining 20%, only 3% are able to earn over $100K a month. The rest range from $1000 and up.

I am going to save you time and money by giving you the reasons why I think you will fail.

Of course, you always have the option of telling me why I am wrong in the comments section below.

10 Reasons Why You Will Start and Quit


  1. You think you can start to earn money within weeks. When that doesn’t happen you will quit
  2. You feel you can learn all you need to build your business through YouTube. You try it and it doesn’t work
  3. When you find out you have to write posts of 1000 plus words, you don’t think you can do that.
  4. You realize that the niche you selected is too competitive and you do not know how to compete effectively
  5. You cannot spend the time necessary to develop the skills necessary
  6. All this Search Engine Optimization stuff is like a language you cannot understand
  7. After spending a year creating your website, your commissions are disappointing.
  8. You conclude that it must be your niche that has a problem so you change and still nothing happens
  9. You try paying for ads to speed up the process but nothing happens
  10. In two years time you see others who started the same time as you are making much more than you.

Be honest with yourself. How do you feel after reading these 10 reasons? There are actually more, but I’ll stop here.

How many of the above would need to happen to you in order to quit? I promise you, that everyone who gets involved with Affiliate Marketing experiences one or more of the above situations.

If you really feel you cannot handle them, then don’t waste your time getting into Affiliate Marketing. And if you are into Affiliate Marketing, why don’t you quit before you waste even more time?

You must think I’m nuts don’t you. A site dedicated to Affiliate Marketing trying to discourage people from getting involved!

CrazyHeck no. I am not crazy. I am telling it like it is, because most people will not. You probably heard that it is easy to create an Affiliate Marketing business. As the above reasons for quitting indicate, that is definitely not the case.

Now is a good time to emphasize, not everyone quits. Those who never quit are the ones who succeed. Of course, they also work hard and smart.

If hard work and patience is not your thing, you might as well leave now.

But, and this is a big BUT, If you honestly feel that it is worth the time and effort to create your own Affiliate Marketing website that can provide you with passive income, please continue. You are ready to join the ranks of the 20% who succeed.

Just think about those who are at the top of their game who are earning $100,000 and more every month. Let’s tone that down a little.

If you could see yourself earning $10,000 a month, would it still be worth it to you to give it your all?

Think very hard about this next question. What are you willing to do in order to succeed? What is the price you are willing to make? And I do not mean money. I am referring to effort with a just a little of investment for the training and tools you will need.

Want to know what those who succeed do? Read on.

10 Reasons Why People Succeed


  1. They start of with a mindset that this is a real business and not a hobby.
  2. They create a clear vision of what their goal is in terms of financial and otherwise
  3. They create a plan of action, their mission, that will lead them to their goal
  4. They are willing to invest the time and some money to learn the main skills necessary to do things right.
  5. They find out where they can get the best education possible and pay the price for the training
  6. They learn what tools they need that are critical for success and get them
  7. They seek out successful mentors to get their advice to shorten their learning curve
  8. They work their tail off and are willing to fail as often as necessary until they find out what works for them
  9. When things do not work, they are decisive in making necessary changes based on clear analyses
  10. They never quit

If you have read this far, maybe there is hope that you will be in that top 20% who are able to create a viable Affiliate Marketing business. I consider a viable business one where your website is generating at least $1000 a month consistently.

Once successful in reaching that goal you should justifiably be excited to continue to the next level of $1000 a week. And after that, $10,000 a month.

I have a secret for you now. If you can consistently earn $10,000 a month, the effort to reach $100,000 is much less than what it would have taken to go from zero to $10,000 a month. Here’s why.

You can use the lessons learned to scale up. Instead of doing everything yourself, you can outsource time-consuming activities that other people can do for about $20 an hour. Then you can use your time for higher value added activities, like planning other websites, Picking other niches. And duplicating what you have already achieved.

Does that make sense to you?

My First Gift To You

First GiftSince you stuck with me till now, I feel it is worth my time to reward you with a valuable gift that can help you develop winning habits that you will need in order to succeed in Affiliate Marketing.

You may have heard of that iconic book, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. If you have read it, did you implement what it taught? If you did, why are you reading this article? You should be financially independent by now.

Oh you read some of it. Or you didn’t take it seriously enough to follow the lessons it taught. May I suggest you go back and re read that book now. Have a yellow marker at hand and highlight about two ideas on each page that resonate most strongly with you.

I do not fault one bit if you didn’t absorb all the gold nuggets in that book with one, or even two readings. It takes several readings for the book to make a difference. That could be the reason why you were not impacted as much.

Now, if you haven’t read this book, I want to give you a free digital copy as my gift to you. It was written by Napoleon Hill and is a timeless classic.

Click on the title, Think and Grow Rich free eBook to download a PDF file of the book.

My Second Gift To You

Second GiftMy website is about Affiliate Marketing especially for leaders. In our society, it is the leaders who succeed the most. Why? When you positively impact the lives of others, you prosper.

My second gift to you builds on the first. In fact, they go hand in hand. I am giving you access to everything you need to create your Affiliate Marketing business in one place.

In reality, it consists of multiple gifts, that work with each other to make you successful.

I would like to list some of these below.

  1. Training
    1. Website Building
    2. Search Engine Optimization
    3. How to grow traffic
    4. How to select a niche tailored for you
    5. How to use Social Media to promote your website content
    6. How to do Email Marketing
    7. How to use Goolge Search Console and Analytics
    8. How to set up Google Adsense on your website
  2. Domain Name Purchase Center
    1. A place where you can check for available domain names
    2. If available, the option of purchasing them immediately
  3. Website tools
    1. WordPress Platform
    2. Image optimization
    3. Site Management
  4. Website hosting
    1. Options to scale up with multiple websites
    2. High speed access
    3. Free website themes
    4. Free plugins
  5. Website Security
  6. Website Maintenance
  7. Website Support
  8. Keyword Research Tool
  9. Competitor research tool
  10. Content ranking for 1st Page tool
  11. Comprehensice Affiliate Program Search Tool
  12. Competitor research
  13. One on one mentoring
  14. Peer support and website review

Have I left anything out? If you think so please let me know in the comments section below.

Most people entering Affiliate Marketing have to go to several places online to access all of the above resources. Not only does that take a lot of time, but it also costs a great deal of money.

This leads me to my second gift I mentioned above.

Wealthy AffiliateThere is one site that offers everything in this list and more that will save you time and money. It is actually a platform that has been around for over 15 years and trained thousands of successful affiliate marketers.

I want to offer you access to this platform. with no cost to you.

BUT, if you are not going to use these resources wisely, then do not accept my offer. If you are, then click this link to get in.

You will need a valid Email address to apply. No credit cards necessary.

I said you will have access to virtually everything, There is a catch though. A good one. For one full week you will have access to virtually everything on this site, including mentoring by me. When that week is over, your access will be restricted to fewer areas. Access to my help will be on hold.

With something as valuable as this, giving it away totally for free would be doing a disservice to you. There is something critical about paying a fee, You will value what you get more and will most likely use it as you have some skin in the game.

You must be asking what would be the cost to you to have total access to this amazing platform. What monthly subscription would you think is fair?


For everything you get that would be a superb deal. Tally up the cost of these resources if you got them a la carte. You will be shocked to see how much they real cost.

I am not going to offer this to you at $299. Not even r at $199. How about……….


This would be a bargain. And worth every penny. The owners of this platform, Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim, decided when they created this dynamic company called Wealthy Affiliate in 2005, they would offer a subscription so low to make it affordable for everyone. The cost is ………….drum rill please…………….

Kyle and Carson

$49 A Month

Yes, you read that right. However, you can remain a free starter member for as long as you need to decided if upgrading to Premium is right for you. Most people decide to upgrade after seeing the huge value Wealthy Affiliate offers.

And if you decide it isn’t? No hard feelings. As I stated earlier, Affiliate Marketing is not for everyone,

My colleague at Wealthy Affiliate, Roope Kiuttu created this brief video that gives an overview about Affiliate Marketing. Both Roope and I are ranked in the top 25 at Wealthy Affiliate out of over 2 million members.

When I mentor you on how to get the most out of the Wealthy Affiliate platform, you can be certain that you will get top-notch information.

The Table below shows you what a starter member gets compared to a Premium member.

Click this link to get access and I will see you on the other side

8 thoughts on “What Is The Truth About Affiliate Marketing?”

  1. You have certainly provided a lot for readers to consider! I agree with your ten reasons for not succeeding and also ten for finding success. it is all about having reasonable expectations and being willing to stay the course.

    I am also a member of WA and have found it to be an incredible tool for learning (start to success!) but also a community that truly cares for one another and helps when needed. When I have a question, it is usually answered within minutes. For those with limited time to work on their websites, this really makes a difference. If I had to wait days for an answer, it would really affect my work.

    Thanks for sharing such good information about affiliate marketing and also about WA. 

    1. Hello Diana,

      Glad to hear your comments. You brought up some great points about being a member of Wealthy Affiliate, that I totally agree with. 

      You may have noticed that I gave every reason for not to sign up. Now if anyone does, I will know that they are serious. 

      I wish you much success in your affiliate marketing journey.


  2. You are very correct with the reasons you have mentioned in this article. I know of a friend who started affiliate marketing. After a few days he said that he had to constantly come up with articles of about 800 words and above to get far. So he just quit. 

    Its not always easy even though it seems simple enough, It takes commitment among other things

    1. Hi Lucas,

      Affiliate Marketing is not for everyone. Since writing a lot of content is a big part of this business, it is paramount one chooses a subject we are so passionate about, or have a deep knowledge, that will make is easy to write about it. I feel your friend missed that point. In fact, for me I have to restrain myself from writing too much as it is so easy to do that.

      Thanks for commenting on my article. All the best to you.


  3. Hello there, affiliate marketing is really a great means to make good money online and I feel so happy to see it today. 

    People who are willing can now go into business without the capital and there is nothing to lose while you have a lot to gain. 

    This is really great and I love how it operates.

    1. Thanks Justin,

      Glad you feel that way about Affiliate Marketing. it amazes me that some people actually earn millions of dollars a year.

      Thanks for your great comments.


  4. Every time I see a review about W.A., I always enjoy reading them. 

    So many different people with beautiful insights about W.A., I can’t see how anyone would pass this up without joining. It is what they all said it is. 

    To me it is one of the best program with a great platform. Also, W.A. has a friendly and helpful community. It is one of the reason why I am a premium member. Thanks for a great review.

    1. Hi John,

      I’m with you on this one. So well stated. With such a well rounded platform, we have every chance of succeeding if we stick with the program. And the community is so helpful when we get stuck. 

      Thanks so much for your fine comments.



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