Google Analytics is a free tool that can be used to build your internet marketing business more effectively. You may have heard about Google Analytics but don’t know what it is, then this article is for you. If you know what it is, but confused on how to use it, you are at the right place. On the other hand, you may already be using Google Analytics and wish to improve your ability to use it more effectively, you will also find this article helpful. In fact, I am going to be bold and say you will find the secrets to Google Analytics revealed through the following 7 webinars I shall be sharing with you.
Your Journey Begins Here!
You will learn how to create your own Google Analytics and link it to your website. Once you complete that action, this tool will monitor activity on your website and create statistical analysis to help you get a better understanding how your website is performing.
For example, you will be able to find which posts get the most clicks. And how long does a visitor stay on your post. Where do these visitors come from? Are any of them repeat visitors? You will be able to get information on these and other useful factors about your website.
Would this kind of information help you to tweak your website so that it performs better? I would think so.
Video Overview
The following video gives you a compressed tutorial on Google Analytics. Don’t worry if it is hard to grasp everything shown in this approximately 30 minute video. You will need a deeper look into how everything works together.
Jay Neill, the live training coach in Wealthy Affiliate does indeed provide you with this deeper look through the 7 webinars described below. He gave these webinars on Google Analytics in 2019 and 2020. Although the topic is the same, I feel that much of the material covered compliments each other. There is more value in seeing all of them, even if you find that some of the material is duplicated.
Here is the list of these webinars in the order I shall be sharing the details:
7 Webinars On Google Analytics
An Introduction To Google Analytics
- Reading Data In Google Analytics
- Setting Google Analytic Goals
- Tracking Affiliate Links
- Tracking Progress
- Reading Google Analytics Conversions In Depth
- How To Track Conversions
Each of these webinars has a duration of about 60 minutes followed by a live Q & A session that can extend the session by about 30 more minutes. You may find that some of the questions asked would be similar to questions you have in your mind after watching the webinar. Hence, they are a valuable part of the class.
The following webinar outlines provide you with an idea of the material covered. To access all the webinars, click on any of the titles below.
An Introduction To Google Analytics
- An Introduction To Google Analytics
- Setting Up Google Analytics For Your Website
- How Long Does The Data Take To Show?
- How To Read And Understand Google Analytics
- Let’s Setup Google Analytics LIVE!
- Q & A
Reading The Data
- An Overview On Reading The Data Within Google Analytics
- An In-Depth Look At Audience
- An In-Depth Look At Acquisition
- An In-Depth Look At Behavior
- Let’s Look At Some Data Live!
- Q & A
Setting Google Analytic Goals
- An Overview Of Google Analytic Goals
- What Exactly Is A Goal?
- Tools Required To Set Up Goals
- Let’s Set Up A Goal Live
- Q & A
Tracking Affiliate Links
- Introduction To Event Tracking
- Why It Is Important To Track Affiliate Links
- Tying it into Your Analytic Goals
- Setting Up Event Tracking In Google Analytics
- Let’s Create An Event Code LIVE!
- Q & A
Tracking Progress With Google Analytics
- The 4 Elements You Should Be Tracking
- The Immense Value Of Average Time on Page
- Conversions Explained
- Let’s’s Track Some Progress LIVE!
- Q & A
Reading Conversions In Depth
- An Overview On How Best To Read Conversions
- How to Determine Which Article Converts The best
- Reverse Engineering Your Conversions
- Le’t Read Some Google Analytics Conversions LIVE!
- Q & A
How To Track Conversions
- Why Goals Are Important To You
- Different Types Of Goals Available
- Setting Up Goals
- Let’s Set Up A Goal In Google Analytics Live
- Q & A
Your Options
Firstly, can I ask you what do you think about the topics covered in these 7 webinars? Do you think that learning these skills will help you accelerate your Internet Marketing business, whatever that happens to be? If so, does it make sense to take these courses?
When you select any one of these webinars and sign up as a Premium Member of Wealthy Affiliate, you will automatically have access to all of these webinars and much more.
Just in case you are not sure you want all these additional benefits, there is another option to join as a free starter member. In this way you will have the opportunity to see what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer by going through a tour yourself.
Click the following link to see the comparison between the Wealthy Affiliate Free, Premium and Premium Plus benefits where you can make the selection that best suits your business building requirements.
Comparison Between Free, Premium and Premium Plus Membership Benefits
The choice is yours of course.
Food For Thought
Consider your Internet Marketing business is a real business and not a hobby. Your goal is to build it up so it can pay you as a minimum a living wage in commissions as a starting point.
As you develop your skills and attract more paying customers, your long term goal should be to earn enough to fund your dream lifestyle you always wanted.
Think for a moment what that lifestyle is? I bet it will include improving the quality of life for you and your family in many ways. Perhaps you want to travel more after this Pandemic ends. It may also include taking advantage of the favorable interest rates to move into a larger home.
If you have children, how about being able to afford to send them to the best schools that cater to their own dreams.
But most of all, what would it be like to work from home, or for that matter wherever you have an Internet connection? Better yet, the hours you need to spend on your business is significantly less than what you are spending in your current job.
Everything starts with a dream. Then you have to create a plan to help you realize your dream. In today’s economy where buying using computers and smart phones are the norm, doesn’t it make sense to leverage this trend for your own gain?
Your Plan
It has to include educating yourself to understand how the Internet works in this ever growing eCommerce reality. The choices are endless such as:
- Creating and selling your own products, be it digital or physical
- Signing up as an affiliate with major companies like Amazon, Walmart or thousands of others
- You have to option of signing up as an affiliate for companies that market digital products
- Or you could get involved with drop shipping.
- Perhaps you wish to offer Internet Marketing consulting services to local companies
No matter what your detailed plans are, they should include the use of Google Analytics to enhance your business. Would you like the secrets to Google Analytics revealed to you?
Whatever your Internet Marketing direction, Wealthy Affiliate can show you how to do this correctly from the ground up. No prior knowledge or experience is necessary.
You may have stumbled into this article looking to learn more about Google Analytics and found a gold mine.
Take Action
You have a decision to make.
- Sign up as a Premium or Premium Plus Member and have access to the most comprehensive one stop shop to create an Internet Marketing Business that saves you time and money
- Join as a Starter Member to see if this approach of business building is really for you or not
- Do nothing and go it alone
If you need more information and have questions, please enter your name and Email address into the form below. When you do I will give you an eBook called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill you can download from a special page you will be directed to.
I look forward to hearing from you.
You have my thanks for reading this far. I wish you all the best no matter what your decision may be.
Edwin Bernard
Hey Edwin, thank you for your full and frank explanation of Google analytics. You have hit the nail on the head when it comes to explaining what you can do with the analysis of your sites. I set up my Google analytics quite a while ago on the two websites I own. Unfortunately, I made the mistake, that many do, by just using it as a platform to see how many hits I was getting. BIG MISTAKE. I am really not that tech savvy so found looking at all the figures on my analytics time consuming as I was more interested in creating content. WRONG again. Once I decided to analyse my hits and where they were from and which posts were the most successful I soon began creating posts around these statistics.
Well, guess what ? Suddenly I was getting a lot more interaction on my sites and then more sales !!! It just goes to show that using the data supplied really does pay off. This is also covered in the Wealthy Affiliate training that you have mentioned. Wealthy Affiliate is far the biggest and best training platform available, and they are who I have used to build my sites.
Hello David,
Thank you so much for your validation of Google Analytics based on your personal experience. I wish you continued success in your online business.
Wow, I never realised what a valuable tool Google Analytics was. I’ve missed out on so much valuable data since my website was first created. I almost wish I could go back and have the analytics being recorded from the start. Thank you for this great review. I’ll be sure to pass it on to my web building friends
Hi Stevie,
Better late than never. When you create a new website, this knowledge will give you a hear start. At least you can go through these webinars and learn to use Google Analytics more effectively right away.
I wish you much success in your online business.
Hi Edwin! Compliments of the season! Thank you for sharing this wealth of information. I loved it. Great to know more and be deeply informed about Google analytics. Your topics covered in these 7 webinars would do a lot to help as it is the key to knowing what your audience is buying and their interest in certain categories.
Hello Josh,
You got this! Glad that my article was helpful to you. I wish you much success in your affiliate marketing journey.